Saturday, January 31, 2009

to update:
i was in peru for 2 months

ok, so my brother josh was finally able to create/film his first feature length peru!  he was kind enough to ask me if i'd like to come along for the trip/journey, and my response was "f yeah!"

to find out more about the film "postales" follow the link below:

to learn about other projects josh has worked on:

once i returned, i had a difficult time communicating my travels w/ people.  the trip, truly was, a life experience, and in being true to myself, i could only include honesty feedback: my exchanges w/ locals, desires to have done better in spanish class, a rejuvenation of self, a disgust w/ how we, in developing worlds live, the lack of connection we have w/ our environment - desensitized, detached, etc.

as many of you know (who've i've talked w/), i was finally able to gain the life experience that agreed w/ my life perspective...and even though it doesn't paint the most pleasant generalization of our country/western world, it was refreshing to have experienced it.  more importantly, in talking w/ people, it was invigorating to see that there ARE others out there who agree/understand where i'm coming from, and that, i find encouraging.

though i've begun chatting w/ people about the emotional experience, it's hard to show the photographic, though it's been almost 2 months since i got back, i'd like to share my photography adventures/journal w/ you.
