Saturday, February 21, 2009

on the way to lares:
ie: finally made it

there was a 2 1/2 image of the bogs in a previous post.  they were quite fun to walk on!  how'd we discover lares: well, brian had been there first, mentioned the drive and the hot springs...and how beautiful they were (which they were).

i can't remember if i've said this stuff before...but  i (mom and i) ended up doing this trip twice -- once w/ mini-bus, once w/ josh & beth.  on one hand, going to the same place twice may have seemed a bit much, but it was almost like i got to scout out the location the first time, then shoot aaaaaaaall (well, not all, but certainly more of) the extra bits i had missed the second.

soooooooo, the first time we saw the bogs (mini-bus trip), we just drove past, no stopping, no playing.  but the second, well, there really didn't seem to be much of a choice!  we were curious about them, i wanted to photograph them, so we found a safe place to walk down (lots of crushed up rock and stone, ie: good places to fall and hurt yourself).

minus the fact that the second proof is a bit dark, the whole place was just amazing!!  the individual tufts seemed like rough spongy moss, one could be a bit more firm,while the next could have easily sunk into the water mix.  in ways, i could see myself backpacking, just following various trails (camera in tow), photographing the landscapes.  such beauty, and so many wonderful scenes to capture.  the phrase, "so much to do, so little time" was unbearably true, and it was also a reminder of how important it is to know another language!  (grrrrrr, bad me). 


below, images a stone's throw away from the actual hot springs.  for some reason i didn't scan in some of the images associated w/ 'lares', and i think it was b/c i didn't have journals completely written.  later while scanning, i realized that was quite a few photos, so i started scanning them all...not sure why i forgot to come back to these ones...not that you even needed to hear that part! sometime (today, maybe), i'll make sure to go back and just get them in so that i can show you!!

above: there's another variation of the river/water floating around...i think it falls in the category of things i didn't journal so didn't scan.  will include in later post!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

on the way to lares:
creatures, creatures, w/ a side 'a bogs

text to come at a later date...



Tuesday, February 17, 2009

on the way to lares:
jungle detour

pictures the words that follow won't sidetrack viewing the images.  below, various holga pans taken while on the bus.  (this holga link goes to wikipedia...the previous link on the previous blog went to the lomography website > holga section)

the first trip to lares included a mini-bus ride to an area of jungle, where we would go on a (mostly) downhill 3+/- hr bike ride.  my ride only lasted 20 minutes, b/c...well, i lost common sense while taking a turn, and decided to jump off of the bike, instead of applying breaks.  oops!  

sparing those who have yet to hear the story in it's entirety...lets just say it was a bit painful, i experienced my first whole/partial concussion (thank you helmet for saving my brain), and w/out too many details-- parts of my body that should never ever be black/blue....were.

jumping off a bike while taking a turn, downhill...not recommended!

and in case you didn't already know, once you've had your first concussion, it'll happen easier the next time.
(thank you carrie for that bit 'o info).

Friday, February 13, 2009

on the way to lares:
the cloud forest

clockwise from the front left: javier (pablo from the short), mila/mom, chete (w/ the two hands up.  pablo from the movie), claire, merje, dan, me, pj, enier, russ, kelly (taking the picture).  below: our very awesome bus driver man.


...we stopped in a town to stretch our feet & take a was extremely cloudy (foggy) w/ a bit of a drizzle, and it was surprisingly bright.  

mom was hungry, so she at w/ the, not these guys (below: locals), they were just hanging out in the "restaurant".  she had some crazy soup concoction  w/ javier, chete, enier, and the driver.  


above: this image could probably be put w/ those that are closer to lares, however, technically we're still in cloud forest, and aside from me telling you this, you may not otherwise know.  hehehe.

sidenote: the white/discolored effect on the top/btm are due to the film being overexposed.  light leaks are a typical occurrence  when using a holga (plastic camera).  they're super fun to use and create a "dreamlike" quality.  and apparently, they come in fun new colors (black is out, bright!)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

nov. 13th, 2008

15 min tico [taxi] ride/cusco....or, +/- 20-45 min walk
(depends on how you acclimated to the altitude, it's an upward hike)

also, i'm fairly certain that the images below were all shot after lunch, which, left me w/ 3-4 hrs. of shooting after i unloaded/reloaded my film holders...if i could do it again, i would've brought a bunch of power bars/water and trudged through it all, no lunch...just photographing (photography = food, right?).

additionally, w/in that 3-4 hr time frame, i also did 2 setups w/ the main actors to be used for potential poster/promotional purposes....i was scrunched for time!   will post those images a little later.


in respect to journal-ling...this is the part where i need to write stuff down.  the journal pages that accompany the following images are pretty sparse, minus the shooting/tech info; which i've included for your entertainment!  (once i jot down the thoughts in my head from the trip/photos...i'll scan in the pages & update this section!).

oh, and i'm not sure if i mentioned it before, but whenever multiple images from the journal are posted, they're done so chronologically...that's the least i can do w/ the organization of the whole thing!  if only i would have cited times, weather conditions, mental

sorry for the inconvenience!!  (it'll happen a few more times)

another reminder: images w/ hash marks indicate square images.  the lower of the markings is more exact to the actual negative...initial markings were due to my laziness in not marking my camera, and guestimating where "square" would be...oops!

135mm lens

square vertical
f8, 1/125 f8, 1/125
f11, 1/125 f8 1/2, 1/125

this location is actually near where one would enter the site if they were doing that uphill climb from cusco.  the sidewalk is on the opposite side of this pathway, separated by a stream and "ditchlike" incline.

people frequent the paths, having just missed the perfect opportunity -- a woman walking w/ her dog (or possibly goat/llama), on the path.  though it would've added a nice element, i'm ok w/ what was uncertainty as to who was last there, and when that might have been.  (that's what it is for me, at least).

i'm not quite sure why i kept such a close tension between the edge of the R/frame and the path, possibly b/c there was something further along that i didn't like...who knows at this point. i know i wanted to include some of the rock structures on the left...if i could do it again, i'd see what it'd look like horizontal.  perhaps, i wanted just a hint of the city

if my rants continue like this, i'll officially be copying this info into my journal...hope that wasn't a joy-kill of a statement!

210mm lens

f6.8, 1/60
f8, 1/60
210mm lens

f8, 1/30
f8 1/2, 1/30
f11, 1/30

210mm lens

f6.8, 1/30
f8, 1/30
f8 1/2, 1/30

later, near the end of filming, i finally got a chance to experience more of peru, and man...i tell ya...the mountains and country-landscape just go on, and on, and on.  it's absolutely beautiful.  cusco is actually near/part of the sacred valley -- know for its fertile lands, numerous villages, and countless archeological remains. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

more (mostly) b/w:

above/below: part of the view from the mudbrick house.

the smallest tree in the distance (about centered, just below the clouds) gave me a burst of energy everytime i saw it.  the colors were just so fun...a roofline speckled w/ vividly painted walls.  almost seems like it could be least, in my head!


above/below: two different views of the plaza de armas.  (like i said in a previous blog...protest happy people).  but, they're calm experiences, a lot of marching.  these particular people weren't too happy w/ the current president.

a postcards rest on the bench (in the main plaza locals are restricted from selling their goods); identical benches line the walkways leading to central element; these metal-railed-green-wood-backed benches, large patches of grass, and well manicured flower beds surround a forest green fountain, white swans spewing water; tourists wandering about; possibly oblivious to the two flags waving every direction -- the cusco flag (rainbow horiz. stripes) and the peruvian flag; w/ one of the main cathedrals posing as the backdrop in the image below.

it's a beautiful view, regardless of what goes on daily...


above: after school, janet takes turns w/ her three sisters, selling the jewelry & art her parents/uncle have made...making sure to greet every familiar face that passes by.

nov. 1st, 2008

one thing you realize about cusco, is that there are sooooooo many hidden places that you walk by w/out even knowing they're there.  my curious nature (/boredom during pre-shooting one day) lead to finding this particular space.

typically doors that you see > lead to open spaces that you're unaware even exist.  

maybe next time i'll do a sub-project -- a series, documenting "hidden" courtyard spaces in the city.  

Monday, February 09, 2009

oct. 31st, 2008

one of many
(working title)

      fútbol en peru
      (working title)

comments about above image begin on facing page (R pg),
then continue behind the image (L pg).

the top two images are ones that i'll probably use for future purposes.


the bottom two were not documented w/ film (only the polaroid you see here).
read the journal entries to learn more about the images.

above: images
below: corresponding journal entries.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

misc fun pics:
locations vary

above: um, not much to say...hehehe...we celebrated halloween early...i dressed up like josh!  the funny part, is the fake beard, well, it was pretty hard to find.  not too many salon shops w/ wigs...thus, when this one was found (it was a beard, mustache, shoulder length hair set) we took it, even though the hair was red-ish.  sidenote: i love my family!

above: my first trip outside of cusco w/ some of the limeños!  pancho & sylvia, gargula, lolo, and myself.  it was a pretty cramped in the front, 4 in the back!  we stopped here for the view...what we found out, was that though the view was amazing (typically the snow covered mnts in the bkgrnd are covered by clouds), it was also quite windy/chilly.

above: this is near where the journal entry from yesterday took place.  that's chaufa (human) and kucho (kick ass dog, english staffordshire). breathtaking, to be so close to the city, but not feel any of its restraints.  i loved coming out here.

above: a detail shot of a hot spring in the town, aguas caliente.  aguas is the town travelers must stay in to get to machu picchu.  the town itself, has a concrete feeling to it, seeing as they're continuously expanding to make space available for the hungry machu seeking tourists!  anyway, according to claire and the girls (and what i observed) not the cleanest looking spring.  of course, we had been to the springs in lares, and that was unbelievably beautiful.

anyway, i thought this little bird thing was kind of amusing, so i took a picture of him. 

sidenote: i tried finding a good picture of the place, but they all seem to be on random flickr sites (and not very good).  i should stop giving you info on the place, seeing as i'll be posting image of the place a little bit later.  :)

above: on wayna picchu (the big mnt. in the typical postcard bkgrnd of machu picchu), it takes about 1-1 1/2 hrs to hike up there, and it's not for just young people!  there was an extreme variety of people (shapes/sizes/ages) inching their way to the top.

helpful hint 1: if you go to machu picchu...make sure to take the earliest bus, b/c that's when you get the coolest view of the place. (the clouds rise in the morning, and it looks like super fast moving fog!). 

helpful hint 2: also, go up wayna picchu as soon as you can, b/c 1: they only allow 400 people up the mnt (conservation purposes); and 2: if you go later in the day, it can be hotter, and then it's just a bit unpleasant.