there was a 2 1/2 image of the bogs in a previous post. they were quite fun to walk on! how'd we discover lares: well, brian had been there first, mentioned the drive and the hot springs...and how beautiful they were (which they were).
i can't remember if i've said this stuff before...but i (mom and i) ended up doing this trip twice -- once w/ mini-bus, once w/ josh & beth. on one hand, going to the same place twice may have seemed a bit much, but it was almost like i got to scout out the location the first time, then shoot aaaaaaaall (well, not all, but certainly more of) the extra bits i had missed the second.
soooooooo, the first time we saw the bogs (mini-bus trip), we just drove past, no stopping, no playing. but the second, well, there really didn't seem to be much of a choice! we were curious about them, i wanted to photograph them, so we found a safe place to walk down (lots of crushed up rock and stone, ie: good places to fall and hurt yourself).
minus the fact that the second proof is a bit dark, the whole place was just amazing!! the individual tufts seemed like rough spongy moss, one could be a bit more firm,while the next could have easily sunk into the water mix. in ways, i could see myself backpacking, just following various trails (camera in tow), photographing the landscapes. such beauty, and so many wonderful scenes to capture. the phrase, "so much to do, so little time" was unbearably true, and it was also a reminder of how important it is to know another language! (grrrrrr, bad me).
below, images a stone's throw away from the actual hot springs. for some reason i didn't scan in some of the images associated w/ 'lares', and i think it was b/c i didn't have journals completely written. later while scanning, i realized that was quite a few photos, so i started scanning them all...not sure why i forgot to come back to these ones...not that you even needed to hear that part! sometime (today, maybe), i'll make sure to go back and just get them in so that i can show you!!